
cultivating microalgae
Automated cultivation, harvesting and pasteurization technique for contaminant free Biomass.
Novel photobioreactors for the scale up purpose.
100% sustainable and organic process.
cultivating microalgae
Carbon-neutral scaffold / field for Cultivation
cultivating microalgae is one of the most booming areas of research,
Cultivation of microalgae is one of the most booming areas of research, owing to its economic importance and high market value. Microalgae is slowly becoming a major sustainability alternative which might replace fossil fuels in near future. Microalgal cultivation is less time consuming and occupies a smaller space when compared to other organic sources. The medicinal properties of algae are of high value in the market within India and overseas. Microalgae are identified to be the nutritious sources of food and hence research would help in combating hunger and poor nutrition. Though being the greatest asset, the production of algal biomass is very scanty and hence there is an urgent need to increase the production by optimizing the growth parameters.
Team at Glaukos Algae aims in cultivating microalgae in a sustainable approach using the land near coastal area and solar energy for power supply. This approach will be helping in reducing the carbon emission into the atmosphere.
The major thrust will be upon cultivating Dunaliella salina, one of the toughest algae to be grown. Dunaliella is a marine species that thrives mostly in salt environment. They are the major source of β-Carotene which is highly rich in Vitamin A and have greater anti-oxidant properties. Mass cultivation of Dunaliella in the raceway pond helps in overcoming the shortage of algal biomass. There is a huge market for the β-Carotene extract of Dunaliella. The value of Total Addressable Market is around 3 billion. The Serviceable Addressable Market value is around 142 million in the Asian and Pacific market.
“Cultivating Dunaliella salina & Chlorella in a sustainable 100% organic route”
The cultivation involves reduction of cost and environmental safety.
- India’s first state of art organic facility to cultivate and harvest Dunaliella salina.
- Equipped lab environment to initiate the scaling up process.
- Green renewable energy source to ensure power consumption.
- Optimized indoor environment to ensure contaminant free mother culture.
- Large scale production of biomass, certified and quality tested for further usage.
- High end system to monitor parameter on a day-to-day basis.

R & D Facility

The R & D facility of Glaukos algae is located at East Gogulapalli, Allur in the Nellore district of Andhra Pradesh. Located near the coastal shore, this area offers an ideal environment for the growth of Dunaliella Salina. It is a 5-acre production facility located alongside the R & D area.
The lab is equipped with state of art instruments for carrying out regular day to testing of both raw materials and product. The production will be focused on scaling up Dunaliella salina culture in a 1 lakh liter raceway pond and extracting β-Carotene for its higher antioxidant properties and other applications which includes cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, agriculture and Nutritional health supplements.